087, Overnight Bivvi with David Foster on Ivinghoe Beacon, 04-01-03

4-5 January 2003, Dave Foster. Overnight walk/bivvi. Very cold, -5°C! Met Dave at Tring Station @ 10pm, walked to Albury for a pint at the Greyhound. The Bridgewater Monument; reading inscription in the pitch black by torchlight, got "checked out" by a PC & WPC (hey! hey!). Walked by the light of the moon up to Ivinghoe Beacon, bivvied out. Fell asleep beneath a clear sky, Orion magnificent above. Awoke to a gorgeous sunrise, frost covering everything and still -5°C. Hot brew, early start. Tring via Ivinghoe & Grand Union Canal. Christmas cake & Port at the Swing-bridge. Pot of tea at Tring Reservoirs café, back to the cars. Pint and sandwich at the Greyhound.